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Founded in 1623 and governed by the Jesuits, the Universidad Javeriana is a private and not-for-profit institution of higher education. It is legally established under ecclesiastical law, recognized by the Colombian State to operate and authorized to award academic degrees. Formally accredited, it has a flexible and articulated academic offering focused on the personal guidance of the student that is characteristic of Jesuit education, and well supported by Information and Communication Technologies.
The University is nationally recognized for its influence on Colombia’s development. It articulates with other higher education institutions and national and international research and development centers, especially with those belonging to the Society of Jesus. The comprehensive formation of the human being and the conservation, transmission and development of science and culture, transcending the purely informative and technical aspects of education, characterize its specific educational purpose.
With an interdisciplinary vocation, the University currently encompasses 22 schools and 242 academic programs for undergraduate and graduate students. Its 3,750 professors serve over 42.000 students at its headquarters in Bogota and in Cali. The continuing education programs offered on campus and on-line, serve some 30,000 more each year, having presence in Barranquilla, Pereira, Pasto, Manizales and Bucaramanga (Colombia), as well as Guatemala, Panamá, República Dominicana and Honduras (Centro América).
Since 2003 the University created two educational innovation centers supporting teaching, research and extension services through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for strengthening the culture of its reflective use in the educational context for on campus and online programs as well as MOOCs.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana MOOCs
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