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HECMontrealX: UX Data Analysis

Become a UX data scientist! From qualitative data analysis to big data Web analytics, you will be able to leverage insights from data to make empirically-based recommendations.

UX Data Analysis
6 semanas
6–9 horas por semana
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Hay una sesión disponible:

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Comienza el 21 feb
Termina el 31 jul

Sobre este curso

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Do big data and UX speak to you? This MOOC will give you the methods and tools to analyze the whole spectrum of data we handle in UX, from qualitative user research and quantitative user testing data analysis to big data Web analytics.

You will be able to leverage insights from this data to make empirically-based recommendations towards frictionless, optimal user experiences.

Taught by award-winning faculty members, this course is an introduction to the statistical methods and tools useful to UX data analysis. No need to be a math whiz, this course was designed to be accessible to everyone.

No previous stats knowledge is needed. You will need to use MS Excel to do the final exam and complete the certification. Join us in the journey to unlock the insights of UX data, through the UX Design and Evaluation MicroMasters, or as an individual course.

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsQualitative Research, Statistical Methods, Big Data, User Experience Design (UX), Research, Microsoft Excel, Web Analytics, Data Analysis, Qualitative Data Analysis, Usability Testing, User Experience, Data Science, User Research

Lo que aprenderás

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  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Study Design
  • Bias Sources
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Means of Comparison
  • Two-Way ANOVA
  • Applying it all to UX

Preguntas frecuentes

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When will the course be available?

UX Data Analysis will be available in October 202I. In Fall 2021, we will receive the first full-program cohort for the MicroMasters in UX Design and Evaluation.

How often is this course offered?

The UX Data Analysis course will be available year-round.

Which institution issues the verified certificate?

Certificates are issued by edX under the name of HECx and are delivered online through

Do I need to be enrolled in the MicroMasters in UX design and Evaluation to be able to take this course?

No. This course is open to all on its own. It can be taken for audit or verified certification.

May I take this course even though I haven’t taken the one preceding it in the MicroMasters?

We strongly recommend learners take the Introduction (UXe01x.1) and UX Research (UXe01x.1) courses before any of the other courses. Then, learners are welcome to go through the courses in the order that best suits them.

Who is the MicroMasters program intended for?

The all the courses of the UX Design and Evaluation MicroMasters program are intended for those who have completed a bachelor’s degree or have a minimum of 2 years of work experience in a UX-related business environment. Recommended education or work experience in IT, engineering, design, business, BI, project management, psychology, cognitive sciences and statistics, or equivalent.

Do I need to complete the on-campus Master’s degree to get a job in UX?

No. The UX Design and Evaluation MicroMasters program will teach you enough to get at least an entry-level job in UX (depending on your own background), without having to complete the on-campus Master’s degree.

Does completion of this MicroMasters program guarantee admission to the HEC Montréal Master’s degree program?

No. The learner will need to complete the application process to HEC Montréal in order to be considered for M.Sc. in UX program. For more information visit:

Besides the seven UX Design and Evaluation MicroMasters program courses, are there any other requirements in order to be eligible for the HEC Montréal Master’s degree?

Yes. You need to be admitted to the Master’s program. The MicroMasters program certificate does not guarantee admission. The Learner will need to complete the application process to HEC Montréal.

¿Quién puede hacer este curso?

Lamentablemente, las personas residentes en uno o más de los siguientes países o regiones no podrán registrarse para este curso: Irán, Cuba y la región de Crimea en Ucrania. Si bien edX consiguió licencias de la Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros de los EE. UU. (U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control, OFAC) para ofrecer nuestros cursos a personas en estos países y regiones, las licencias que hemos recibido no son lo suficientemente amplias como para permitirnos dictar este curso en todas las ubicaciones. edX lamenta profundamente que las sanciones estadounidenses impidan que ofrezcamos todos nuestros cursos a cualquier persona, sin importar dónde viva.

Este curso es parte del programa UX Design and Evaluation MicroMasters

Más información 
Instrucción por expertos
7 cursos de nivel universitario
A tu ritmo
Avanza a tu ritmo
10 meses
6 - 9 horas semanales

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