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IMFx: National Accounts Statistics

Learn how to compile and disseminate national accounts statistics.

National Accounts Statistics
6 semanas
3–4 horas por semana
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Hay una sesión disponible:

Una vez finalizada la sesión del curso, será archivadoAbre en una pestaña nueva.
Comienza el 19 feb
Termina el 15 abr

Sobre este curso

Omitir Sobre este curso

This course, presented by the IMF's Statistics Department, teaches you how to compile timely, high quality national accounts statistics based on the system of national accounts (SNA) framework. The course introduces the sequence of national accounts, the accounting rules, and the key macroeconomic indicators in the SNA framework. You will learn about gross domestic product (GDP) - the main aggregate of the system, and how to compile consistent and internationally comparable measures of GDP according to the production, income, and expenditure approaches. The course also discusses in detail, how the SNA can be used to track an economy's production, consumption, and income and how to estimate volume measures of GDP.

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsAccounting

Lo que aprenderás

Omitir Lo que aprenderás

Upon completion of the course, you should be able to:

  • Describe the system of national accounts framework, understand the sequence of accounts and their interrelationships, and identify the key macroeconomic indicators
  • Explain key national accounts concepts, accounting rules, and methods.
  • Define the components of gross domestic product (GDP) from the production approach. Apply the concepts, accounting rules, methods, and data sources necessary to estimate GDP from the production approach.
  • Define the components of GDP from the expenditure approach. Apply the concepts, accounting rules, methods, and data sources necessary to estimate GDP from the expenditure approach.
  • Define the components of GDP from the income approach. Apply the concepts, accounting rules, methods and data sources necessary to estimate GDP from the income approach.
  • Define and explain how to compile volume estimates of GDP from both the production and expenditure perspective.

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