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StanfordOnline: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Disparities in Healthcare

Discover how various healthcare inequities present across diverse social identities, and how historical factors have institutionalized often-invisible medical racism.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Disparities in Healthcare
4 semanas
2–4 horas por semana
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This course explores the social determinants of health, and how societal conditions affect health equity by examining the history of racism in US healthcare and identifying ways to mitigate the effects of institutionalized medical racism. You will gain insight into how bias in the healthcare system exacerbates health disparities across diverse patient groups, and the ways in which individuals across diverse social identities experience the healthcare workplace.

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Lo que aprenderás

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  • Define the social determinants of health.

  • Investigate how the societal conditions experienced by different population groups create healthcare disparities.

  • Outline the relationship between race and healthcare access and quality in a population.

  • Investigate strategies for alleviating structural racism in the healthcare workplace.

  • Explore how groups across diverse social identities experience various disparities in healthcare as the result of the different forms of bias they encounter.

  • Analyze how and why people become aware of different elements of their intersectional identities in different contexts.

Este curso es parte del programa Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Healthcare XSeries

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Instrucción por expertos
2 cursos de alta calidad
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2 meses
2 - 4 horas semanales

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