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UCDavis: Animation with JavaScript and jQuery

Learners will describe the top JavaScript libraries and differentiate which would work best to implement and accelerate development of web page animation.

Animation with JavaScript and jQuery
4 semanas
2–5 horas por semana
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Comienza el 1 nov

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With the general introduction of JavaScript in the first course, this course will focus on JavaScript libraries, specifically jQuery. The scripts will be geared toward Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation.

Course objectives include being introduced to the end product of the course – a landing page style website using jQuery elements to manipulate HTML documents and enhance user experience. Diving deeper into the landing page that will be created and break it out into individual jQuery projects. jQuery events and effects will be covered while exploring more jQuery’s relationship with HTML documents. Finally, a focus on plugins and continue to breakdown jQuery's ability to manipulate HTML and CSS.

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Introduces learners to the popular jQuery library and explores the syntactical differences between JavaScript and jQuery using small projects.

Este curso es parte del programa JavaScript for Beginners Professional Certificate

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Instrucción por expertos
4 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
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4 meses
2 - 5 horas semanales

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