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CatalystX: Advancing Equity and Inclusion Through Gender Partnership

Understand and harness the power of gender partnership to foster greater inclusion both inside and outside your workplace.

1 semanas
1–2 horas por semana
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Sobre este curso

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This inclusive leadership course will equip you with the tools to model and practice effective gender partnership as a means of creating culture change inside and outside your workplace. You’ll be guided by experts from Catalyst, a global nonprofit working with some of the worlds most powerful CEOs and leading companies to build workplaces that work for women. In this course, you’ll deepen your understanding of effective gender partnership and develop concrete skills to foster workplaces where everyone is valued for their uniqueness, trusted to make decisions, can be authentic, and feel psychologically safe.

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsOrganizational Culture Change, Leadership

Lo que aprenderás

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  • The definition of gender partnership.
  • Why gender partnership matters.
  • What effective gender partnership looks like and how it connects with Catalyst’s Model of Inclusive Leadership.
  • How to hold yourself and others accountable for achieving effective gender partnership.
  • Bonus! Free Gender Partnership “Workplace Facilitation Guide” provided to all employees from Catalyst Supporter companies.

Plan de estudios

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Part 1: Begin Your Journey Toward Gender Partnership

Meet your instructors, learn about Catalyst’s mission, get an introduction to the learning goals of the course, and begin reflecting on your lived experiences related to gender.

Part 2: What is Gender Partnership?

A deeper exploration of the definition of gender partnership and how it manifests itself both in and out of the workplace.

Part 3: Why Does Gender Partnership Matter?

Develop a more robust understanding of the benefits of gender partnership, experience revelatory moments regarding the importance of gender partnership, and reflect on your own experience working toward greater equity and inclusion.

Part 4: What Does Effective Gender Partnership Look Like?

Explore three areas of focus for achieving effective gender partnership: advocacy, Catalyst’s Model of Inclusive Leadership, and commitment to action.

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