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PurdueX: Mathematics of Waves: Visualized with Neural Networks

All around us, information is carried by waves of many kinds, like acoustic, electromagnetic, gravitational or probability waves. Enjoy this unifying view of all wave phenomena using neural networks to visualize the underlying mathematics.

Mathematics of Waves: Visualized with Neural Networks
2 semanas
5–6 horas por semana
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico
Este curso está archivado

Sobre este curso

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In the physical world we are surrounded by waves of all kinds, each with its own underlying physics. Acoustic waves for example involve the vibrations of the medium which we can hear, while electromagnetic waves involve vibrations of electric fields that require no medium and are detected with specially designed antennas. These vibrations are physically very different and are usually taught in very different courses although they are governed by very similar partial differential equations. Furthermore, the equations are sufficiently opaque that they hide the underlying unity. Our aim is to make this unity apparent through a unifying viewpoint, using neural networks (NN) as a pictorial tool to visualize the underlying mathematics.

All waves can be viewed as a collection of individual oscillators, and so we will start in Week 1 by laying out the mathematical and conceptual framework for oscillatory systems as diverse as mechanical oscillators (mass-spring), electrical oscillators (inductor-capacitor), ferromagnets and quantum spins. The physical variables are very different and even the equations may look different, but we will stress their unifying characteristics, introducing the concept of normal modes and mapping them all to an NN model. In Week 2 , we will show how the coupling of different elementary oscillators leads to different wave systems, with quantitative illustrative examples.

This is a pilot 2-week course where we will illustrate the basic idea for acoustic, Schrödinger, and electromagnetic waves, all in Week 2. In future versions, our aim will be to expand the content with more illustrative examples as well as with more advanced topics such as quantized oscillators and waves.

De un vistazo

  • Institution PurdueX
  • Subject Ingeniería
  • Level Intermediate
  • Prerequisites

    Elementary linear algebra and differential equations.

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsBasic Math, Probability, Physics, Conceptual Framework, Antenna, Artificial Neural Networks, Electromagnetic Waves, Inductors, Partial Differential Equation, Electronic Oscillator

Lo que aprenderás

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  • How diverse oscillatory systems can all be described by a common mathematical structure that can be visualized with a neural network-like pictorial representation.
  • The formation of wave systems by coupling individual oscillators along with the concepts of dispersion relation and group velocity.
  • How to perform quantitative calculations of the waves generated by sources.

Plan de estudios

Omitir Plan de estudios

Week 1: Oscillators

1.1. Math and the Physical World

1.2. Exponential Response

1.3. Oscillatory Response

1.4. More Oscillator Examples

1.5. Impulse Response

1.6 Sinusoidal Excitation

Week 2: Waves

2.1. Oscillators to Waves

2.2. Normal Modes

2.3. Tx Lines and Guitars

2.4. Dipole Antenna

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