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StellenboschX: Higher education teaching in the age of AI

In this course participants will critically examine the changing role of university teachers, considering the implications of AI on the teaching profession. The course provides a thoughtful and theoretically informed exploration of practical responses to the paradigm shift in teaching methodologies and pedagogical approaches required in the AI-infused higher education environment. In addition, participants will also critically analyse the value considerations of incorporating AI in teaching.

Higher education teaching in the age of AI
3 semanas
5–8 horas por semana
A tu ritmo
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Comienza el 27 sept

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This course is structured around three distinct but related topics:

Reclaiming the role of university teachers in the Age of AI

Here we look at the question: Who are university teachers becoming in the Age of AI? We approach from known territory into a possible new reality by looking at the professional identity of university teachers in this current turbulent higher education world. Can AI technologies and literacies be integrated into the professional learning of university teachers towards a reclamation of a critically human and value-driven contribution to higher education?

2. Revisiting the role of university teaching in the Age of AI

The logical follow-up question is: What is the role of university teaching in the Age of AI? As with the human focus on university teachers, university teaching is also placed in the spotlight by current educational AI technology developments. We look at university teaching through the lens of knowledge-building to see how it can potentially flourish through AI technology advances. The critical value-based approach needed to navigate teaching in this changing landscape will also be discussed.

3. Renewing the practice of university teaching in the Age of AI

Lastly, we explore the question: How are university teachers invited to teach in the age of AI? Here we respond with a discussion of innovative, hands-on ideas for the meaningful integration of AI technologies into the teaching-learning-assessment practice. As with the first two topics, we suggest a realistic, responsible but also creative viewpoint on university teaching practices in the Age of AI.

De un vistazo

Lo que aprenderás

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This course is designed for any professional involved with teaching in the higher education context, who is interested in exploring the intersection between user-facing generative AI tools and education.

At the end of this course, participants be able to:

  • Critically reflect on who they are as professional university teachers in the Age of AI.
  • Identify the challenges and opportunities, including the level of trust in AI technologies, for the practice of university teaching in the age of AI.
  • Meaningfully incorporate pedagogy-enriching AI technologies into different aspects of their teaching.
  • Operationalise their own values for using AI technologies in teaching responsibly and ethically.
  • Craft a clear scholarly plan for their short-, medium-, and long-term use of AI technologies in teaching.

Este curso es parte del programa AI in Higher Education Professional Certificate

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Instrucción por expertos
4 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
Avanza a tu ritmo
3 meses
5 - 8 horas semanales

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