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edX: Designing a Course With edX

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Designing a Course with edX is the first in a three-part series guiding educators through designing, building, and running courses on edX. Designing a Course with edX covers design principles, course accessibility, audience identification, and strategic planning, supporting both experienced educators and newcomers in creating impactful online learning experiences within the edX ecosystem.

Designing a Course With edX
1 semanas
1–4 horas por semana
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Sobre este curso

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Designing a Course with edX is the first course in our three part series of courses dedicated to guiding you through the process of designing, building and running a course within the edX ecosystem.

In this course we will define the design principles that underpin effective learning experiences, Identify the key characteristics of a well-designed and accessible edX course, help you recognize your intended learner audience and understand their goals, and develop a thoughtful, strategic and cohesive course strategy and marketing plan tailored to meet prospective learners’ needs.

Whether you're an experienced educator or new to the world of online learning,
Designing a Course with edX is here to support you in your journey towards creating impactful educational experiences in the edX ecosystem.

De un vistazo

  • Institution


  • Subject Diseño
  • Level Introductory
  • Prerequisites

Lo que aprenderás

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After completing this course, learners will be able to:

-Define design principles of effective learning experiences.

-Identify the characteristics of a well-designed and accessible edX course.

-Identify specific intended learning audiences and their goals.

-Develop a thoughtful, strategic, and cohesive course strategy and marketing plan that meets the needs of the intended course audience.

Este curso es parte del programa Designing, Building, & Running an edX Course Professional Certificate

Más información 
Instrucción por expertos
3 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
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1 mes
1 - 4 horas semanales

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