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Oracle: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Operations Professional

This course is going to walk you through some of the day-to-day operational activities that you might find yourself managing in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ecosystem.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Operations Professional
7 semanas
2–4 horas por semana
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This module gives an insight into the IAM ,OCI security services. It also covers some essential information on pricing models in OCI.

Introducing Cloud automation and how it is applied in Oracle Cloud. This module focuses on using Terraform and Ansible for Automation,governance and administartion in OCI.

This module gives an insight on how deploy a application. It also covers some essential information on Encryption and High Availability in OCI.

This module covers some essential information on troubleshooting the general operations issues and errors. It also covers some essential information on monitoring in OCI.

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English

Lo que aprenderás

Omitir Lo que aprenderás
  • Use OCI CLI to create, discover, and terminate resources
  • Create shell scripts using OCI CLI
  • Use Oracle Resource Manager
  • Provision a simple set of OCI resources with Ansible
  • Manage custom images
  • Network Security Architecture: VCN, Load balancer, and DNS
  • Describe Scaling options
  • Billing and account management options in OCI Console
  • Troubleshooting

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