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UPValenciaX: Introduction to ChatGPT. Boost your productivity to the maximum using artificial intelligence!

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Have you heard about ChatGPT and want to learn how to use it to increase your productivity at work radically? Then, this is the course for you. Here, you will learn about its advantages and disadvantages, and different ways to create effective prompts. You will also see examples of its use in tasks as diverse as drafting an instance to a City Council, summarizing a document, enhancing your writing for emails, translating documents, or using it to create Excel formulas and macros.

Introduction to ChatGPT. Boost your productivity to the maximum using artificial intelligence!
2 semanas
2–3 horas por semana
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Comienza el 16 sept

Sobre este curso

Omitir Sobre este curso

Have you ever felt the need to increase your productivity at work? Have you heard about ChatGPT and wondered how it could change your professional day-to-day life? If that is the case, this is the course for you!

Our Introduction to ChatGPT course is designed to teach you how to use this powerful artificial intelligence tool developed by OpenAI. Throughout the course, you will learn to make the most out of ChatGPT, discovering its advantages and disadvantages while gaining fundamental knowledge to create effective prompts.

We will start with an introduction to ChatGPT, explaining what it is, and how it works, and why it has become such a popular tool. Similarly, we will provide a critical overview of the tool, analyzing its different limitations and showing you how to handle them.

A key aspect of the course is learning how to create effective prompts. ChatGPT's ability to generate text largely depends on the way each one of us prompts. You will learn to "discuss" with the AI effectively, enabling you to obtain desired results more precisely and quickly.

Furthermore, this course will provide you with a wide range of practical examples of how you can use ChatGPT in diverse tasks, such as:

  • Drafting a letter to the City Council.
  • Summarizing a lengthy document in minutes.
  • Enhancing the quality of your writing in emails.
  • Translating documents and website information into different languages.
  • Creating formulas and macros in Excel.
  • Planning your lessons if you are a teacher.
  • You will even learn how to create small programs to generate Word documents with specific formats.

The course is designed for ChatGPT beginners who want to deepen their knowledge and skills. Our goal is that, by the end of this course, you not only can use ChatGPT to boost your productivity at work but also understand how it works and can adapt it to your specific needs. Get ready to take your productivity to the next level with ChatGPT!

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English

Lo que aprenderás

Omitir Lo que aprenderás
  • What is ChatGPT, what you can do with it, and what versions are available.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT, and considerations when using it.
  • Various examples using ChatGPT in different scenarios.
  • Using ChatGPT to work with formulas and macros in Excel.
  • Using Google Colab to run programs in the cloud without any configuration.
  • How to instruct ChatGPT to program in Python for you.

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