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WasedaX: 日式经营管理 Japanese Business Management

Learn about Japanese business management and start down a path to becoming a global leader. This course is the Chinese translated version of "Japanese Business Management". 探索日本企业的管理模式,开启成为全球化领导者的道路。 本课程为 “Japanese Business Management JBM111x” 的中文翻译版。内容与原课程相同。

日式经营管理 Japanese Business Management
4 semanas
3–5 horas por semana
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Hay una sesión disponible:

Una vez finalizada la sesión del curso, será archivadoAbre en una pestaña nueva.
Comienza el 24 feb
Termina el 1 abr

Sobre este curso

Omitir Sobre este curso

The Japanese economy was once described as the “rising sun,” overcoming all odds to become an economic superpower. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, many of the largest companies in the world with the highest capitalization were Japanese. Often, the key to Japan's success was attributed to its unique business model, strategies and practices.

However, Japan no longer enjoys strong growth. Since the infamous “burst of the bubble”, Japanese companies have slipped from dominance and lost their competitive edge to companies in America, China and other regions. Japan's once highly acclaimed business management has been critiqued, judged, and brought into question.

Japan is now in a transitional phase. Some companies are cementing their traditional business practices, others are transforming their strategies entirely, while still others are unsure how to adapt to the new times.

This course is essential for anyone aiming to be a global leader. It helps them understand the basics of Japanese business, Japan's rise (including its successes and failures), and allows them to see future potential.

The course takes a holistic approach. It looks not only at strategy and practices, but also at the entire management ecosystem. It explores factors ranging from socioeconomic to international interventions that helped shape Japanese corporate culture, strategy and vision.

This course has been designed to give future leaders the right mindset to be a global leader. Learners study various corporate philosophies and case studies to see firsthand the benefits - and limitations - of Japanese business management.







De un vistazo

  • Institution WasedaX
  • Subject Negocios y administración
  • Level Intermediate
  • Prerequisites

    Basic business experience and/or acumen.


  • Language 中文
  • Video Transcripts English, 中文
  • Associated skillsManagement, Business Modeling

Lo que aprenderás

Omitir Lo que aprenderás
  • The Japanese management ecosystem 日式管理生态系统
  • The keys to Japan's rise, current business status, and future 日本崛起的关键、当前的商业地位和未来
  • Case studies on Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Recruit, and Softbank 丰田(Toyota)、日产(Nissan)、本田(Honda)、瑞可利(Recruit)和软银(Softbank)的案例研究

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