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CurtinX: Work with augmented reality (AR) and the web

Learn how to integrate augmented reality and web content into your iOS apps.

Work with augmented reality (AR) and the web
8 semanas
8–10 horas por semana
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Comienza el 18 feb
Termina el 30 abr

Sobre este curso

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This course will soon be retired. The last day to enroll is 03/04/2025 at 04:00 UTC.

In this course you will learn how to build AR apps with Xcode and look at the different ways to integrate web content into your iOS apps.

De un vistazo

  • Institution CurtinX
  • Subject Informática
  • Level Introductory
  • Prerequisites

    To successfully complete this course you will need access to an Apple Mac computer or laptop capable of running macOS10.15 and Xcode 12.

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated programs
  • Associated skillsApple Xcode, Apple IOS, Augmented Reality

Lo que aprenderás

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After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Use ARKit to create augmented reality scenes and objects for your apps
  • Test and debug your AR app
  • Connect to web services to fetch or send info to and from your app

Plan de estudios

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Lesson 1:User interaction andhow to save data

  • Write and access files within Apps;
  • Serialise a data model for saving and loading data from and into Apps;
  • Customise tables for adding, deleting andcustomising actions;
  • Create custom row actions.

Lesson 2: User input and system controls in Apps

  • Displaying alerts, sharing content and sending messages from within Apps;
  • Access to the camera and photo library on the device;
  • Build custom forms for creating new object models;
  • Get complex user input through forms, data collection and dynamic table views.

Lesson 3: Construct an AR App

  • Learn how to use the AR app template;
  • Investigate AR components and compare their differences with existing components;
  • Build AR scenes in 3D space using objects;
  • Determine planes and how objects interact with them.

Lesson 4: Interact with an AR App

  • Add physics to an AR scene;
  • Translation of user input within the scene;
  • Introduction to AR Image Recognition.

Lesson 5: Closures and Animation

  • Define and use closures;
  • Use defined functions: sort, filter, reduce and map;
  • Utilise animation for a greater user experience;
  • Use UIKit to create animations.

Lesson 6: Communicate with the Web

  • Describe requests and responses, and discover how are they built, used and analysed;
  • Communicate with API's for existing data sources;
  • Use URL components to dynamically query an API endpoint.

Lesson 7: An Introduction to JSON

  • What is JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and how is it useful?
  • Decode JSON and convert into Swift types;
  • Integrate with requests and responses from API's.

Lesson 8: Concurrency

  • Why do we care about concurrency?
  • Issues with multi-threading and the UI;
  • How to complete tasks asynchronously.

Preguntas frecuentes

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Do I need a Mac to take the course?

Yes, you will need access to a Mac which runs macOS10.15 and is capable of running Xcode12.

Do I need to know any programming languages before I start?

No, this course is designed for beginners and we will step you through all the programming required.

What version of Swift will I be learning?

Swift version 5.

Will I be able to create my own apps after completing the course?

Yes. The course will teach how to build a basic iOS app from scratch and program using Swift.

Can I sell my app on the App Store after I finish this course?

Of course you can - however please be aware that this is outside the scope of this program. While we can't guarantee that your app will be made available on the App Store; we will show you what steps are required to get it published and promoted by Apple.

I have a great idea for an app! Will you help me make a fortune by selling it on the App Store?

While we can't guarantee that you will make a fortune via the App Store - we will let you know what's involved.

We'll also provide you with insights from other iOS app developers who have experience with the App Store and may be able to provide you with some useful hints and tips.

Will I be able to create my own Android app after completing the course?

No. This course focuses on the development of iOS apps only.

Este curso es parte del programa Mobile App Development with Swift Professional Certificate

Más información 
Instrucción por expertos
3 cursos de capacitación
6 meses
8 - 10 horas semanales

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