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Unix Tools: Data, Software and Production Engineering
De un vistazo
- Institution DelftX
- Subject Informática
- Level Intermediate
- Prerequisites
- An understanding of basic programming structures, such as conditions and loops
- An appreciation of variables and their use in simple expressions
- The ability to create a text file using an editor
- An understanding of the concepts of files, directories and the file system’s tree structure
- Access to a computer running Windows, macOS, or a Unix/Linux distribution
- Language English
- Video Transcripts اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, हिन्दी, Bahasa Indonesia, Português, Kiswahili, తెలుగు, Türkçe, 中文
- Associated skillsSupercomputing, Big Data, Workflow Management, Unix Tools, Unix, Software Development, File Systems, Software Systems, Internet Of Things (IoT), DevOps, Prototyping, Log Files, Command-Line Interface, Business Analytics, Software Engineering, Production Engineering, Software Analysis, Unix Shell
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