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URosarioX: A travel by Spanish America: Spanish for beginners

Learn basic expressions in Spanish and communicative tools to get ready to travel to any Spanish-speaking country, while you get to know relevant aspects of the Spanish American culture.

4 semanas
4–6 horas por semana
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Sobre este curso

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Today more tan 580 million people speak Spanish in the five continents and it is the third language used to communicate in the web and social networks.

This course helps you learn basic expressions and communicative tools so that you can travel to diverse Spanish-speaking destinations, and make the most of your stay while you go more deeply in the cultures.

You will know about Spanish American places and traditions that will make you wish to travel. You will know how to introduce yourself, do shopping, ask for places, follow directions, taste street dishes, or enjoy some meal at a restaurant.

This course is designed by teachers from the Program of Spanish for Foreigners (PEPE) of Universidad del Rosario, who have taught Spanish in Colombia and other countries taking culture as the means to teach the language.

De un vistazo

  • Language Español
  • Video Transcript Español
  • Associated skillsSpanish Language

Lo que aprenderás

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  • Develop skills to act in basic communicative situations during a trip in a Spanish-speaking country.
  • Ask for and give personal linformation in different travelling procedures or situations.
  • Use expressions to buy products and services.
  • Order food in diverse spaces and situations.
  • Ask and understand information about places and how to get to them.
  • Know essential aspects of Spanish American cultures

Plan de estudios

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Unit 1. Como Pedro por su casa

  1. Greetings. Travel documents.
  2. Persona information, nationalities and marital status.
  3. Interrogative pronouns
  4. Alphabet and numbers
  5. Written expression
  6. Tourist places in Colombia
  7. Learning evaluation

Unit 2. El cliente siempre tiene la razón

  1. Spanish American currencies
  2. Expressions for shopping
  3. How to bargain in Spanish America
  4. Vocabulary for shopping
  5. Written and oral expression
  6. Tourist places in Chile
  7. Learning evaluation

Unit 3 Barriga llena, corazón contento

  1. Traditional Spanish American dishes
  2. Expressions used to order food
  3. Open markets and street food
  4. Spanish American cuisine
  5. Written expression
  6. Tourist places in Argentina
  7. Learning evaluation

Unit 4. El que busca encuentra

  1. Cities in Spanish America
  2. Place prepositions and adverbs
  3. Directions for getting places
  4. Adjetives to describe cities
  5. Written expression
  6. Tourist places in Costa Rica
  7. Learning evaluation

Preguntas frecuentes

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1. Does this course have a specific schedule?

No. The course does not have a specific schedule. It depends on the student’s self-management.

2. Can the course topics be taken in any order?

No. The topics are related and have a logical order, so it is important to know the contents of Unit 1 to fully understand those of Unit 2, and so on.

3. Can I download the material for personal study?

The PDF documents are downloadable, however, the audio and video files can not be downloaded.

4. Do I need a specific previous level of Spanish to enroll in this course?

No. This course is designed to learn Spanish from a basic level.

5. Can I use translators and dictionaries during the course?

Yes. Ideally, you should understand most of the course. Being at an initial level, you can help yourself with translators, dictionaries or even people who speak Spanish. This is why you will find some explanations in English, to make your learning easier.

However, in order for you to check how much you learn, we suggest not to use these tools during the evaluation exercises.

6. Is it posible to know the results of the activities/exercises?

Yes, you will receive immediate results/feedback upon completion of all the attempts permitted for the activities/exercises.

7. Is the certificate I get equivalent to a Spanish level certificate?

No. The course certificate is not a Spanish level of language certificate. It is an attendance certificate for the time of the course.

8. What should I do if I have any technical problem?

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