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IITBombayX: Shell Programming - A necessity for all Programmers

Unleash your Linux scripting skills and amaze others with your productivity level.

Shell Programming - A necessity for all Programmers
5 semanas
4–6 horas por semana
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Various programming languages have gained popularity since 1970. Starting with Assembly, C, C++, and moving towards Java, Python, and finally building of backend and frontend frameworks, all of these became popular and were or getting replaced with some other language or framework. Shell programming (scripting) is the only programming language that has been popular and the choice of programmers, testers, system administrators, etc., from 1970 to date (21st century). Even today, all of us rely heavily on shell programming or its variants for our day to day tasks, configuring software environments, and software automation. ****

Scripting is a vehicle to automate and it is ubiquitous in any small to large scale software development. Apart from programming, various phases of software development include unit testing, producing software builds, configuration, integration testing, etc. In all these phases (from development to production), automation is an essential key to faster delivery, hence, having less waiting time. This course will introduce you to the programming aspects of the most popular Linux shell, which has been used for the last 50 years, older than any programming language that you have heard of.

Participants taking this course will be able to use the terminal (shell commands) with confidence, thus, increasing their productivity and saving effort in performing tedious and redundant tasks.

De un vistazo

  • Institution IITBombayX
  • Subject Informática
  • Level Introductory
  • Prerequisites

    There are no prerequisites for this course, except basic use of any Operating System (Windows, or Linux, or Mac)

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsUnit Testing, Unix Shell, Shell Commands, Software Development, LESS, Linux Scripting, Python (Programming Language), Scripting, Java (Programming Language), C (Programming Language), Automation, Front End Design, Integration Testing, C++ (Programming Language)

Lo que aprenderás

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  • Write shell scripts

  • Handle text, files, and directories

  • Handle input/output

  • Changing file ownership and permissions

  • Handle processes

  • Substitutions: filename, variable command, and arithmetic

  • Conditional statement, loops,

  • Functions

  • Grep: Text filters and regular expressions

  • Shell tools: find, sed, lsof, curl, wget, ssh

  • Introduction to awk scripts

  • Other Utilities

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