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CurtinX: Project: Create an iOS app from start to finish

Learn how to design, develop and test an iOS app in preparation for the App Store.

Project: Create an iOS app from start to finish
6 semanas
8–10 horas por semana
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico
Verificación opcional disponible

Hay una sesión disponible:

¡Ya se inscribieron 6,631! Una vez finalizada la sesión del curso, será archivadoAbre en una pestaña nueva.
Comienza el 18 mar
Termina el 30 abr

Sobre este curso

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This course will soon be retired. The last day to enroll is 03/25/2025 at 04:00 UTC.

In this course you will work on your very own project where you will go through the process of designing and prototyping your very own app.

De un vistazo

  • Institution CurtinX
  • Subject Informática
  • Level Introductory
  • Prerequisites

    To successfully complete this course you will need access to an Apple Mac computer or laptop capable of running macOS10.14 and Xcode 10.

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated programs
  • Associated skillsIOS Applications, Prototyping

Lo que aprenderás

Omitir Lo que aprenderás

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Incorporate effective design principles (and Human Interface Guidelines) into yourapp
  • Utilisebrainstorming, planning, prototyping and testing into yourapp concept
  • Testand evaluateyourapp with an audienceto gainfeedback
  • Explainthe steps involved in getting an app onto the App Store

Plan de estudios

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Lesson 1: Project Planning

  • Define your app idea and identify your target audience
  • Research the apps of your competitors (cost, designs, features)
  • Develop a business case for your app and determine your minimum viable product (MVP)
  • Scope out your project and determine your resources and budget
  • Decide on a project methodology and establish clear deliverables

Lesson 2: Wireframing, Storyboarding and Prototyping

  • Decide on the key features of your app and prioritise them
  • Determine the flow and user interaction required
  • Create wireframes and storyboards
  • Build an initial prototype

Lesson 3: Design Principles

  • Consider the visual design of your app: images, fonts and styles
  • Design a memorable icon and an effective launch screen
  • Ensure that your visual design adheres to the Human Interface Guidelines
  • Create mock ups of the graphical elements required

Lesson 4: Development

  • Build your launch screen
  • Build your app!
  • Register for a Developer account
  • Understand the requirements of the App Store (country specific)

Lesson 5: User Experience Testing

  • Test and evaluate your app with an audience
  • Identify and remove any non-essential features
  • Ensure your design is accessible and works across different iOS devices
  • Prioritise and incorporate user feedback into future releases

Lesson 6: Launching and Beyond

  • Launch, market and promote your app
  • Track your app’s performance using analytics
  • How and when you should update your app

Preguntas frecuentes

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Do I need a Mac to take the course?
Yes, you will need access to a Mac which runsmacOS10.14andis capable of runningXcode10.

Do I need to know any programminglanguagesbefore I start?
No, this course is designed for beginners and we will step you throughall the programming required.

What version of Swift will I be learning?
Swift version 4.

Will I be able to create my own apps after completing the course?
Yes. The course will teach how to build a basic iOS app from scratchand program using Swift.

Can Isell my app onthe App Storeafter I finish this course?
Of courseyou can - however please be aware that this is outside the scope of this program.While we can't guaranteethat your app will be made available on the App Store;wewillshow you what steps are required toget itpublished andpromoted by Apple.

I have a great idea for an app! Will you help me make a fortune by selling it on the App Store?
While we can't guarantee that you will make a fortune via the App Store - we will let you know what's involved.

We'll also provideyou with insights from other iOS app developers who have experience with the App Store and may be able to provide you with someusefulhints and tips.

Will I be able to create my own Android app after completing the course?
No. This course focuseson the development of iOS apps only

Este curso es parte del programa Mobile App Development with Swift Professional Certificate

Más información 
Instrucción por expertos
3 cursos de capacitación
6 meses
8 - 10 horas semanales

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