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SDGAcademyX: Natural Resources for Sustainable Development

4.5 stars
8 ratings

Explore the sustainable development opportunities and challenges in using oil, gas and minerals.

12 semanas
4–6 horas por semana
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Sobre este curso

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Logo | CCSILogo | NRGI

Natural resources represent a potentially transformational opportunity to support development but are ultimately finite How do we make the most of them without destroying the planet? In this 12-week course, produced by the Natural Resource Governance Institute, the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment and the World Bank, learn about efforts to sustainably manage extractive industry investments. You will come to understand the complex and interwoven aspects of natural resource governance and become part of a global movement of citizens and practitioners committed to harnessing the transformational impacts of our natural resources.

This course is for:

  • Sustainable development practitioners – as well as private-sector actors, such as those who work in corporate sustainability and responsibility or renewable energy – who need a historical context of the extractives industry and its evolution
  • Extractive practitioners, such as those who work in oil, gas and mining, who are interested in making the field more sustainable
  • Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students studying extractives, environmental science, environmental law, sustainable development, sustainable business and related fields
  • Climate change activists or practitioners looking to understand the balance of sustainable resource use and business investment

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcripts اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ, English, Español, Français, Русский
  • Associated programs
  • Associated skillsGovernance, Sustainable Business, Oil And Gas, Environmental Science, Sustainable Development, Investments, Environmental Laws, Corporate Sustainability

Lo que aprenderás

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  • How countries translate natural resource wealth into sustainable development outcomes
  • How governance of extractive industries impact long term economic development
  • The policies necessary for the sustainable management of natural resource wealth
  • Why communication between government, industry, and citizensis critical to sustainable natural resource management

Plan de estudios

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Module 1: Challenges and opportunities

  • History of oil, gas, and mining
  • Challenges& opportunities: oil, gas, and mining
  • The decision chain of natural resource management (I)
  • The decision chain of natural resource management (II)

Module 2: Political economy of natural resources

  • How natural resources shape and are shaped by political context
  • Corruption trends in the extractive sector
  • International governance
  • Natural resources& the broader governance framework
  • Transparency& accountability

Module 3: Fundamentals of oil, gas, and mining: industry considerations and policy

  • From oil well to car - market, players, and extraction process
  • From mine to mobile phone - market, players, and extraction process
  • How a company decides to invest
  • Project development
  • Evolving technology

Module 4: Legal overview

  • Legal& regulatory frameworks for extractive industries
  • Allocation of rights
  • Implementation& monitoring of legal frameworks
  • International law& the extractive industries
  • State-owned enterprises: Role and governance

Module 5: Fiscal regime design and revenue collection

  • Resource economics& fiscal regime principles
  • Fiscal instruments I: Royalty/tax systems
  • Fiscal instruments II: Contract-based systems
  • Fiscal regime implementation

Module 6: Anticipating and managing environmental issues

  • Environmental challenges and trends: oil and gas
  • Environmental challenges and trends: mining
  • Managing environmental challenges
  • Extractives and climate change
  • Environmental impact assessments

Module 7: Community rights

  • Social impact and engagement
  • Human rights and the mining industry
  • Mining and vulnerable populations
  • Company-community agreements

Module 8: Artisanal mining

  • Introduction to artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM)
  • Challenges of ASM
  • ASM and gender
  • Tensions betweenASM and large-scale mining
  • Theway forward

Module 9: Revenue management

  • Challenges of revenue management
  • Policy responses: savings, spending, public debt, and earmarking
  • Natural resource funds
  • Revenue sharing and decentralization

Module 10: Investing in sustainable development: Economic linkages to the extractives sector

  • Introduction to economic linkages
  • Local employment
  • Local procurement
  • Enabling tech transfer
  • Downstream linkages

Module 11: Investing in sustainable development: Looking beyond extractives

  • Investing in investing
  • Leveraging extractive industries for infrastructure
  • Resource-for-infrastructure deals

Module 12: Cross-cutting considerations and looking ahead

  • Political tripod and authorizing environment
  • Engaging citizens
  • Aligning extractive industries with theSDGs

Este curso es parte del programa Sustainable Mining and Resource Management Professional Certificate

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Instrucción por expertos
3 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
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7 meses
3 - 5 horas semanales

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