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BerkleeX: Music For Wellness

4.8 stars
13 ratings

Learn how music can help reduce stress and improve your health, and well-being.

Music For Wellness
4 semanas
3–5 horas por semana
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Sobre este curso

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You love music. You listen to music all the time. Maybe you sing, play an instrument, or compose music. You don’t need to have musical talent to use music to enhance your well being, and even your health.

Learn simple techniques to enrich your mind, body, and spirit through music. The methods can be applied in your daily life, particularly when you are feeling down or stressed out. Developed by a board-certified music therapist and a vocalist/pianist/composer/recording artist specializing in Indian music, these strategies combine science with the wisdom of Eastern philosophy.

In the course, discover how to unlock your creativity. You will learn not only how to listen to music in a new way, but also how to listen to the impact that music has on you. You will find out how to care for yourself by practicing coping techniques that are supported by music that is special to you.

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsCertified Music Therapist, Creativity

Lo que aprenderás

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  • The effects music has on the body and the brain
  • Strategies and techniques for regulating emotions and stress by integrating music with ancient practices such as mantra and pranayama
  • The scientific underpinnings that support the efficacy of ancient traditional practices used to promote wellness
  • How and why music can help you to live a happier, healthier life

Plan de estudios

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Lesson 1: Expressing your creativity

  1. Introduction on singing and songwriting techniques
  2. Role of rhythm and chanting / engaging the body as an instrument (clapping, stomping, dancing)
  3. Circle singing exercise - get up and dance! (collective recording experience)
  4. Process of creating a song
  5. Application for real life

Lesson 2: Music Techniques for Comfort

  1. PMR Explained
  2. PMR Exercise
  3. Pranayama Explained
  4. Pranayama Exercise
  5. Elements of a lullaby
  6. Application for real life

Lesson 3: Music Techniques for Awakening

  1. What is Flow?
  2. What is Mantra? History, meaning, importance. Short excerpt of a well known mantra (Find diverse mantras from different cultures)
  3. Guided meditation for awakening (western classical - for instance, Chopin’s raindrop prelude)
  4. Elements of a jingle (give an example)
  5. Application for real life

Lesson 4: Finding Your Special Music

  1. Who are you… what music has shaped you over the years?
  2. What is a Personal Playlist?
  3. Develop a Playlist, based on the specific type of impact each song has on you work)
  4. How to create Daily Practice using your special music (Bottom half of Pg 37)
  5. Application for real life and enhancing overall wellness

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