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ImperialBusinessX: Introduction to Corporate Sustainability, Social Innovation and Ethics

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An introduction to the topic of sustainability from three perspectives: corporate sustainability, business ethics and social innovation.

Introduction to Corporate Sustainability, Social Innovation and Ethics
6 semanas
2–3 horas por semana
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Sustainability is one of the key issuesfacing today’s society. This is underlined by the increasing attention on sustainability issues by governments, media, academics and industry.

In the context of sustainable development, businesses that are often referredto as part of the problem can be part of the solution. As a consequence, policymakers, industry leaders, society and academics are trying to understand how sustainability affects traditional ways of doing business, and also, how traditional businesses are affected by sustainability. How to develop a sustainable competitive advantage is a key challenge inthe agendas of today’s global executives.

This MBA Primer introduces the topic of sustainability from three perspectives: corporate sustainability (core of the module); business ethics and social innovation.

The virtual class will be involved in an engaging debatediscussing the different economic, environmental and social perspectives on the topics discussed. At the end of this module, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of sustainability issues, the relevance for policymakers, the role of corporations and the implications for decision-making.

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsSustainability, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Master Of Business Administration (MBA), Business Ethics, Corporate Sustainability

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Participants on this module can expect to:

  • Developan understanding of the strategic challenges faced by modern organisations in today’s global business environment
  • Develop a basic understanding of sustainability thinking and triple-bottom-line approaches
  • Develop an appreciation of the business case for sustainability in different industries
  • Develop an appreciation of the ethical implications of business decisions
  • Develop an appreciation of the potential for social innovation through business activities.

In this module, we will work through severalcase studies and hear from a range of speakers from industry and academia.

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