WBGx: Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
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How can we know if the policies and interventions implemented in low- and middle-income countries are making a difference, if they are really improving outcomes? This course provides the experimental and statistical tools needed to rigorously measure the effects of policies and programs, with a particular focus on questions of causal attribution, the design and conduct of randomized control trials and quasi-experimental methods, and estimation of impacts using regression techniques.
24 semanas
3–5 horas por semana
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Evaluating Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
De un vistazo
- Institution WBGx
- Subject Economía y finanzas
- Level Introductory
- Prerequisites Ninguno
- Language English
- Video Transcript English
- Associated skillsInnovation, Agriculture, Microfinance, Health Education, Quick Learning, Randomized Controlled Trial, Human Development
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