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GTx: Health Informatics: Data and Interoperability Standards

The key standards for representing and sharing healthcare data.

Health Informatics: Data and Interoperability Standards
5 semanas
10–11 horas por semana
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Once electronic health records and other clinical systems used in patient care are digital, the focus turns to how this health information can be represented and shared using standards. Developing standards that are both sufficiently comprehensive and also implementable in practice is one of the long-standing health informatics challenges in part because of the complexity of the human body and the resultant complexity of patient care. We discuss data and data sharing (interoperability) standards separately but they are inevitably intertwined since the information being shared using interoperability standards is often represented using data standards.

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated programs
  • Associated skillsHealth Informatics, Interoperability, Clinical Systems And Networks, Data Sharing, Electronic Medical Record

Lo que aprenderás

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  • Working familiarity with the major health care data standards
  • Awareness of the web-based tools for accessing the data standards
  • HL7 as the global health care interoperability standards organization
  • HL7 interoperability standards history
  • The HL7 interoperability standards that preceded FHIR
  • The FHIR interoperability standard
  • The SMART on FHIR EHR connected app platform
  • Familiarity with web-based tools for learning and utilizing FHIR and SMART on FHIR

Plan de estudios

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Lesson 1 - Data Standards

1.1 - Introduction

1.2 - Why Standards?

1.3 - Standards Evolution

1.4 - Technology Evolution

1.5 - Key Data Standards

1.6 - International Classification of Disease (ICD)

1.7 - Current Procedural Technology (CPT)

1.8 - Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC)

1.9 - National Drug Codes (NDC)

1.10 - RxNorm

1.11 - The Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED)

1.12 Data Standards Recap

Data Standards Activities







Lesson 2 - Pre-FHIR Interoperability Standards

2.1 - Introduction

2.2 - HL7's Evolution

2.3 - HL7 V2 versus V3

2.4 - Reference Implementation Model (RIM)

2.5 - RIM and FHIR

2.6 - Clinical Documentation Architecture (CCD/CCDA) Uses RIM

2.7 - CCDA Templates

2.8 - Clinical Decision Support (CDS)

2.9 - Homer Warner's HELP System

2.10 - AI Comes to Medicine

2.11 - Arden Syntax: A Standard for Medical Logic

2.12 - Arden Explained

Lesson 3 - The HL7 FHIR Interoperability Standard

3.1 - The Origins of FHIR

3.2 - Grahame's Philosophy

3.3 - FHIR Resources

3.4 - FHIR Resource Representations

3.5 - FHIR Resource Examples

3.6 - FHIR Resource IDs

3.7 - Enabling Existing Systems

3.8 - FHIR API

3.9 - FHIRPath

3.10 - FHIR Conformance Modules

3.11 - The Argonaut Project

3.12 - Dr. Charles Jaffe Interview

3.13 - Grahame Grieve Interview

3.14 - FHIR Recap

Lesson 4 - SMART a Universal Health App platform

4.1 - A Grand Challenge

4.2 - SMART on FHIR Overview

4.3 - OAuth2

4.4 - Scopes and Permissions

4.5 - OpenID Connect

4.6 - SMART App Authorization

4.7 - SMART Backend Services

4.8 - CDS Hooks

4.9 - SMART Genomics

4.10 - Ken Mandl Interview

4.11 - Josh Mandel Interview

4.12 - Cerner's Kevin Shekelton Interview

4.13 - RIMIDI's Dr. Lucie Ide Interview

Este curso es parte del programa Health Informatics on FHIR Professional Certificate

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Instrucción por expertos
3 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
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4 meses
10 - 11 horas semanales

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