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RedHat: Fundamentals of Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift

Learn practical techniques for creating and deploying containers on a Kubernetes cluster using Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform.
7 semanas
1–3 horas por semana
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This course will provide you with an introduction to container and container orchestration technology using Docker, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. You will learn how to containerize applications and services, test them using Docker, and deploy them on a Kubernetes cluster using Red Hat OpenShift. Additionally, you will build and deploy an application from source code using the Source-to-Image facility of Red Hat OpenShift.

Containers are rapidly becoming a deployment technology of choice in organizations adopting DevOps principles and practices. Moving applications and services from traditional deployment platforms to container deployments make the applications deployable on a single clustered cloud architecture instead of many disparate sets of hardware configurations.

This course will benefit developers who want to containerize software applications, administrators who are new to container technology and container orchestration, and architects who are considering using container technologies in software architectures.

De un vistazo

  • Institution RedHat
  • Subject Informática
  • Level Introductory
  • Prerequisites
    • Ability to use a terminal session and issue operating system commands
    • Experience with web application architectures and corresponding technologies
  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsDevOps, Kubernetes, Cloud Security Architecture, Docker (Software), OpenShift, Cloud Computing Architecture

Lo que aprenderás

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In this course, we’ll cover how to:

  • Create containerized services.
  • Manage containers and container images.
  • Create custom container images.
  • Deploy containerized applications on Red Hat OpenShift.

Plan de estudios

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Chapter 1: Getting Started with Container Technology

Chapter 2: Creating Containerized Services

Chapter 3: Managing Containers

Chapter 4: Managing Container Images

Chapter 5: Creating Custom Container Images

Chapter 6: Deploying Containerized Applications on OpenShift

Chapter 7: Comprehensive Review

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