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UAEUX: EmSAT English Preparation - Level 2

This EmSAT preparation course expands upon basic grammatical knowledge, develops general English vocabulary and develops critical thinking. To assist in preparation for the EmSAT exam learners develop exam strategies through their understanding of different reading and vocabulary question types.

EmSAT English Preparation - Level 2
6 semanas
2–3 horas por semana
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Sobre este curso

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This Upper-Intermediate English as a Second Language course that helps students with a current EmSAT scord between 1175 and 1225 to develop their reading and grammar skills. Students will develop exam strategies to prepare them for the reading and vocabulary sections of their exam. They will do this through understanding the different reading & vocabulary question types on the exam. The course also consolidates and expands upon basic grammatical knowledge, develops general English vocabulary and develops critical thinking.

Additionally, students will develop writing, grammar, and vocabulary skills. The course will consolidate and expand upon basic grammatical knowledge in writing and speaking. The course will also teach exam strategies for the writing & grammar sections of the exam. Students will develop an understanding of the different writing & grammar tasks on the exam and an awareness of appropriate discourse structures for exam writing tasks.

De un vistazo

  • Institution UAEUX
  • Subject Idiomas
  • Level Intermediate
  • Prerequisites
  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsTeaching English As A Second Language, Critical Thinking, Grammar, Writing, Vocabulary

Lo que aprenderás

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  • Unit 1 - Food & Beverage. In the Food & Beverage Unit, you will learn about the different question types on the reading part of the EmSAT exam, while reading about topics related to eating food and drinking beverages.
  • Unit 2 - Sports. In the Sports Unit, you will learn about the different question types on the reading part of the EmSAT exam, while reading about topics related to different Sports.
  • Unit 3 - Schools. In the Schools Unit, you will learn about the different question types on the reading part of the EmSAT exam, while reading about topics related to different Schools.
  • Unit 4 - Numbers. In the Numbers Unit, you will learn about the different question types on the reading part of the EmSAT exam, while reading about topics related to the history of numbers.
  • Unit 5 - Nature. In the Nature Unit, you will learn about the different question types on the reading part of the EmSAT exam, while reading about topics related to the forces of nature.
  • Unit 6 - Construction. In the Construction Unit, you will learn about the different question types on the reading part of the EmSAT exam, while reading about topics related to construction projects.

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