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UPValenciaX: Creación musical con Soundcool: Introducción

Learn the basic concepts to be able to use the Soundcool system for music education and collaborative creation using mobile phones, tablets and Kinect.

Creación musical con Soundcool: Introducción
5 semanas
4–5 horas por semana
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Comienza el 17 ene
Termina el 14 abr

Sobre este curso

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In this online music course you will learn the basic concepts to be able to use the Soundcool system for music education and collaborative creation using mobile phones, tablets and Kinect.

Soundcool consists of a set of modules such as players, virtual instruments, effects, mixers, etc., interconnectable with each other that allow sound or image to be reproduced and modified in real time. In this music course we will focus on the modules, these open on the computer and can be controlled by mobile phones and tablets via Wi-Fi, through MIDI instruments or through body movements with the Kinect sensor. In this way it is easy to collaboratively create musical, sound and audiovisual works in real time.

De un vistazo

  • Institution UPValenciaX
  • Subject Música
  • Level Introductory
  • Prerequisites

    No prior knowledge is required to use it, only basic notions to download and install the program

  • Language Español
  • Video Transcript Español
  • Associated skillsMusic Education, Mobile Phones, Kinect

Lo que aprenderás

Omitir Lo que aprenderás
  • You will learn to use the basic Soundcool modules
  • Enter sound either from computer files or from the microphone input
  • Generate different types of waves and sounds
  • Generate musical notes using MIDI devices
  • Modify the input sound with effects
  • Use virtual instruments or external virtual effects
  • Analyze the sound at any point in the module chain
  • Mix any type of sound inputs and record your musical creation

Plan de estudios

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  1. Introduction to Soundcool
  2. Soundcool Modules
  3. Control via external devices
  4. Practices
  5. Final exam

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