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ETHx: Computing: Art, Magic, Science - Part II

Learn functional programming, design patterns, loop invariants, and more in part 2 of this introductory programming course.
4 semanas
5–10 horas por semana
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Computing is a science. It’s an art, at least for those who practice it well, and it still retains much of its magic.

Part 1 of this course introduced the fundamental concepts, preparing you for the more advanced topics covered in this course!

Throughout this course, you will learn programming concepts and techniques, and practice them immediately through advanced browser-based tools that let you write programs, compile, run and test them against predefined test sets. You will see your results right away in your browser!

In this Part 2, we will discuss:

  • A major programming technique, inheritance, including Multiple inheritance: combining complementary abstractions
  • Selective exports for solid modular design of large systems
  • Functional programming with agents: going one level of abstraction higher or more
  • Concurrency: how to build applications that, so to speak, walk and chew gum at the same time
  • Design patterns: how you can benefit from the best architectural practices of the industry, ironed out over many decades
  • What makes a loop do its job right, with the notion of loop invariant
  • Important practical examples: how to write an interactive application with undo-redo, and the example of topological sort
  • Software engineering-- the construction not just of individual programs but also of complex, ambitious software systems

Join us in this computing and programming course to better understand the power and beauty of modern computer programming.

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English
  • Associated skillsFunctional Programming, Programming Concepts, Data Import/Export, Modular Design, Software Design Patterns, Multiple Inheritance

Lo que aprenderás

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  • Multiple inheritance
  • Selective exports
  • Functional programming with agents
  • Concurrency
  • Design patterns
  • Loop invariants
  • Examples: undo-redo, topological sort
  • Introduction to software engineering

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