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DartmouthX, IMTx: C Programming: Using Linux Tools and Libraries

4.7 stars
7 ratings

Learn how to use professional tools and libraries to write and build C programs within the Linux operating system. Receive instant feedback on your code right within your browser.

5 semanas
4–5 horas por semana
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This seventh and final course in the C Programming with Linux Professional Certificate program will allow you to develop and use your C code within the Linux operating system. Using libraries in C is a fundamental concept when it comes to sharing code with others. In addition to compiling and linking, you will also learn how to pass arguments to an executable program.

Within moments you will be coding hands-on in a new browser tool developed for this course providing instant feedback on your code. No need to install anything!

As you embark on your future career as a programmer, you will be able to continue your coding adventures with professional coding environments used by C programmers around the world.

At the end of this short course, you will have completed the C Programming with Linux Professional Certificate program, unlocking the door to a career in computer engineering.

This course has received financial support from the Patrick & Lina Drahi Foundation.

De un vistazo

Lo que aprenderás

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  • Use external libraries
  • Build an application from multiple source files
  • Automate the building process using makefiles
  • Pass and use arguments to the main function
  • Read from and write to files in C
  • Use professional building toolswithin the Linux operating system

Este curso es parte del programa C Programming with Linux Professional Certificate

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Instrucción por expertos
7 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
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9 meses
3 - 4 horas semanales

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