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Essential soft skills for the workplace

Certificación Profesional en
Communication Skills

Lo que aprenderás

  • How to craft messages and narratives that will resonate with your target audience to create your desired outcome.
  • How to use simple tools and skills to prepare and deliver memorable presentations.
  • How to use impactful images to enhance your presentation, communication, and messaging to impress your audience.
Capacitación de la mano de expertos
3 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
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2 meses
4 - 6 horas por semana
Precio con descuento: 537,30 US$
Precio original: 597 US$
Para obtener la experiencia completa del programa

Cursos en este programa

  1. Certificación Profesional en Communication Skills de RITx

Conoce a tus instructores
de Rochester Institute of Technology (RITx)

Keith B. Jenkins
Vice President & Associate Provost for Diversity & Inclusion
Rochester Institute of Technology
Thomas Dooley
Rochester Institute of Technology
Kari Cameron
Senior Lecturer
Rochester Institute of Technology

Expertos de RITx comprometidos con el aprendizaje en línea



To remain competitive in today’s environment, it’s no longer enough to build your organization with specialized, highly skilled professionals. To be considered high-performing, those people must also be well-rounded: great at building productive relationships, excellent internal and external customer service providers, critical thinkers, strategic planners, and—above all—expert communicators. This new paradigm has created a skill gap in the workplace. The Communication Skills Professional Certificate program provides the tools to fill this gap and help professionals take their skills—and their career—to the next level.

Mark F. Buckley , V.P. Environmental Affairs, Staples

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Precio con descuento: 537,30 US$
Precio original: 597 US$
3 cursos en 2 meses
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Communication también disponible en edX


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