Lo que aprenderás
- Understand the physics behind Germanium qubits and their advantages and challenges.
- Learn how Germanium qubits can be controlled and how this process can be automatized using machine learning.
- Familiarize yourself with different companies in the semiconducting industry and their facilities.
- Identify how quantum algorithms and quantum error correction can be performed using Germanium qubits.
- Understand the utility of machine learning in tuning of semiconductor qubits.
- Develop and implement in Python machine learning prototypes for semiconductor qubit tuning tasks.
- Assess the suitability of machine learning in experimental quantum computing workflows.
Información general del programa
Capacitación de la mano de expertos
2 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
Avanza a tu ritmo
3 meses
6 - 7 horas por semana
Precio con descuento: 304,20 US$
Precio original: 338 US$
Para obtener la experiencia completa del programa
Cursos en este programa
Certificación Profesional en Quantum 301: Quantum Computing with Semiconductor Technology de DelftX
- Machine Learning for Semiconductor Quantum Devices
- Development and Applications of Germanium Quantum Technologies
- Perspectivas de empleo
Conoce a tus instructores de Delft University of Technology (DelftX)
Expertos de DelftX comprometidos con el aprendizaje en línea
Inscríbete ahora
Precio con descuento: 304,20 US$
Precio original: 338 US$
2 cursos en 3 meses
Physics también disponible en edX
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