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Learn from the leading expert on strategy & innovation

Certificación Profesional en
Leading Innovation with Vijay Govindarajan

Lo que aprenderás

  • Why companies need to continuously innovate strategically
  • How to identify weak signals, market discontinuities and non-linear shifts that shape the future evolution of an industry
  • How to execute breakthrough innovation strategies
  • How can firms build the requisite organizational DNA to create the future while managing the present
Capacitación de la mano de expertos
2 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
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2 meses
3 - 5 horas por semana
Precio con descuento: 448,20 US$
Precio original: 498 US$
Para obtener la experiencia completa del programa

Cursos en este programa

  1. Certificación Profesional en Leading Innovation with Vijay Govindarajan de DartmouthX

Conoce a tu instructor
de Dartmouth College (DartmouthX)

Vijay Govindarajan
Coxe Distinguished Professor
Dartmouth College

Expertos de DartmouthX comprometidos con el aprendizaje en línea


Given the incredible pace of change disrupting industries today, no company can survive by its sole reliance on a few individual leaders at the top trying to assess, and respond, to these disrupters. EVERY employee must take up this mantle in his, or her, respective job, function, business unit, market and/or geography. But to upskill an entire organization to think this way in real time can seem overwhelming. This is precisely why these two edX courses created and taught by one of the world's most capable strategists is so timely, and so critical to a company's long term success. Any employee who wants to think, and act like a leader... one who can hypothesize what the future holds and act accordingly would benefit from completing these two courses on innovation. The simplicity, and power of application of VG's Box 3 thinking simply cannot be overstated. Hasbro leaders have found Three Box Solution practical and impactful.

Dolph Johnson , EVP & Chief Human Resources Officer, Hasbro, Inc., Fortune 500, Technology and Entertainment Sector

At P&G, we take a holistic approach to innovation to meet the needs of the consumers we serve. This means partnering across all of our functions, including marketing, supply chain, technology, human resources, and finance to create and execute winning innovations. We have worked with Vijay Govindarajan to strengthen our approach to innovation, leveraging the insights from his latest book Three Box Solution. As a result, we believe managers in all functional areas can benefit from developing their innovation skills through professional certificate programs like those being offered through edX.

Kathleen B. Fish , Chief Research, Development, and Innovation Officer Procter & Gamble, Fortune 500, FMCG

At Prudential, Vijay Govindarajan has helped shape our thinking on the theory and practice of innovation. The rate of change will only accelerate in the future. Innovation is therefore going to be even more important. Whether you are a manager in the marketing function or in human resources or in finance, you must acquire capabilities to spot unmet customer problems, conceive new business models, test critical assumptions, come up with appropriate scorecard, and build the talent and the team to convert ideas into impact. Earning a Professional Certificate in Vijay's Developing Breakthrough Innovations and Executing Breakthrough Innovations will help you develop these critical capabilities.

Pavan Dhamija , VP and Head of Strategy, Prudential International, Fortune 500, Service Sector

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Precio con descuento: 448,20 US$
Precio original: 498 US$
2 cursos en 2 meses
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