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One of the challenges faced every day by governments, public organizations, nongovernmental organizations, development agencies, and other stakeholders that promote economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean is transforming proposals into concrete realities that improve society’s well-being and provide results within the time and resources available.
This course introduces concepts and tools that can be applied to project management to generate material changes and meet expected objectives with limited resources. This MOOC strengthens participants’ capacity to manage government and social projects (such as nonprofit and civil society projects) so that they are executed efficiently and effectively.
70% of the students who have taken the course state that they improved their ability to formulate, implement and/or evaluate public policies.
The course is based on the Inter-American Development Bank’s PM4R methodology and the PMBOK® Guide, Sixth Edition of the PMI®.
Project Management for Results (PM4R) was created by the IDB’s Inter-American Institute for Economic and Social Development (INDES).
The creation of this course was funded by the Institutional Capacity Strengthening Fund (ICSF), thanks to the contribution of the Government of the People’s Republic of China.
PMBOK® Guide is a registered trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
This course is "self-paced" so you can enroll at any time, even if the course has been open for a while. You can take it at the time that is most suitable for you inside the enrolment period of the course.
If you choose the Audit Track , you can complete the course for free, but you won't have access to graded activities, and you won't be able to obtain a certificate upon course completion.
If you opt for the Verified track , you can access the course in an unlimited way and complete the qualified evaluations until the closing date, after making a payment of $49 . If you pass, in addition to the verified certificate, you will obtain a digital badge *that allows you to change the way you share your academic and professional achievements, for example, on social media.
*Did you know there is a financial aid to opt for the verified certificate?
edX financial help: edX offers financial assistance for learners who want to earn Verified Certificates but who may not be able to pay the Verified Certificate fee. Subscribe to the course and apply for financial assistance.
See more information in the Frequently Asked Questions section below.
Basic project management concepts and techniques, within international standards
Widely tested tools and techniques that facilitate good communication within a project
How to identify success factors in government projects and social projects
Start Here
Module 1: Project Charter
Module 2: Scope Planning Tool
Module 3: Time Management Tool (Schedule)
Module 4: Cost Management Tool ( S-Curve)
Module 5: Procurement Management Tool
Module 6: Risk Management Tool ( Risk Matrix)
Module 7: Communications Matrix Tool
Module 8: Human Resources Management Tool
Module 9: Project Control Tool
Module 10: Conclusions
Mohammed Akram
Excellently designed for all professionals as per the availability. The content with a case study and relevant examples makes more sense.
I'm responsible for project design and monitoring, and the course provided some very useful tools and timely reminders that would simplify the execution of my duties.
Coordinador del programa Gestión de Proyectos Para Resultados (PM4R, por sus siglas en inglés) • BID
Founder of Project Management for Results (PM4R) • Inter-American Development Bank
Independent consultant specialized in Organizational Project Management (OPM) • PMI
What does “AUDIT TRACK” mean?
Access to the course in Audit Track is free, but you won't be able to access graded activities or obtain a verified certificate.
What does “VERIFIED TRACK” mean?
If you want to obtain the verified certificate of the course, you should opt for the verified mode, which costs 49 USD and achieve a final grade of 65% or more.
This way, in addition to the approval certificate, verified with your personal information, you will have access to all course evaluations, and you will be able to consult the learning resources indefinitely. If you pass this course with 65%, you will also receive a digital badge that allows you to change the way you share your academic and professional achievements, for example, on social media.