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Learn what AI really is from Google experts

Professional Certificate in
Fundamentals of Google AI for Web Based Machine Learning

What you will learn

  • What AI is and isn't.
  • How machine learning works and how ML, AI and deep learning all fit together.
  • Applied AI and what programming AI looks like.
  • Introduction and overview of the TensorFlow.js library and the advantages of using ML in JavaScript.
  • Ways to consume existing machine learning models.
  • How to write custom models from a blank canvas (Linear Regression, Convolutional Neural Network).
  • How to use industry standard pre-made models for object detection or natural language processing.
  • How to convert Python models to TensorFlow.js format to run them client side in a web browser.
Expert instruction
2 skill-building courses
Progress at your own speed
3 months
3 - 4 hours per week
Discounted price: $538.20
Pre-discounted price: $598USD
For the full program experience

Courses in this program

  1. Google's Fundamentals of Google AI for Web Based Machine Learning Professional Certificate

Meet your instructors
from Google

Jason Mayes
Senior Developer Relations Engineer for TensorFlow.js
Laurence Moroney
Lead AI Advocate

Experts from Google committed to teaching online learning


Drive your career forward with university-backed credit programs and verified certificates


Study and demonstrate knowledge on your schedule


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Learn with university partners and peers from around the world