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Learn the language and values of Japan through real conversations and expand your world

Waseda University
XSeries Program inSteps in Japanese for Beginners 3

What you will learn

  • Basic conversational skills
  • Part1: We will learn the following expressions; feelings that occur when relationships such as junior/senior or romantic relationships get deeper, how to persuade when unpredicted things happen, and how to encourage or give advice.
  • Part 2: We will learn the following expressions; how to greet formally in a part time job interview or at workspace, how to explain, how to deal with troubles, and how to express your opinion.
  • Part 3: We will learn how to deal with troubles in company or problems in college life, and expression of presentation in academic scenes.
  • Basic vocabulary and grammar needed for basic conversation skills.
  • Japanese culture, through everyday expressions.

  • Expert instruction
    3 high-quality courses
  • Self-paced
    Progress at your own speed
  • 4 months
    3 - 5 hours per week
  • Discounted price:$348.30 Original price:$387.00 USD
    For the full program experience

Courses in this program

WasedaX's Steps in Japanese for Beginners 3 XSeries Program

Meet your instructor
from Waseda University (WasedaX)

Naoko Kinoshita
Naoko Kinoshita

Associate Professor

Waseda University

Experts from Waseda University (WasedaX) committed to teaching online learning

Enrolling Now

Discounted price:$348.30 Original price:$387.00 USD

3 courses in 4 months

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