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At WashU, we generate, disseminate and apply knowledge. We foster freedom of inquiry and expression of ideas in our research, teaching and learning.
The mission of Washington University in St. Louis is to act in service of truth through the formation of leaders, the discovery of knowledge and the treatment of patients for the betterment of our region, our nation and our world.
We aim to create an environment that encourages and supports wide-ranging exploration at the frontier of discovery by embracing diverse perspectives from individuals of all identities and backgrounds. We promote higher education and rigorous research as a fundamental component of an open, vibrant society. We strive to enhance the lives and livelihoods not only of our students, patients and employees but also of the people of the greater St. Louis community and beyond. We do so by addressing scientific, social, economic, medical and other challenges in the local, national and international realms.
Washington University in St. Louis (do not use) MOOCs
Browse free online courses in a variety of subjects. Washington University in St. Louis (do not use) courses found below can be audited for free, or students can choose to receive a verified certificate for a small fee. Select a course to learn more.