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Kiron Open Higher Education (gGmbH) is a social startup founded in 2015 with the vision of a world in which everyone has equal chances to access and be successful in higher education. Our mission is to enable access to higher education and successful learning for refugees through digital solutions.
With the innovative model of Blended Learning 2.0, Kiron offers Online Curricula of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) so that refugees can start studying immediately, regardless of their asylum status. Courses are mostly provided in English, completely free of charge for the students and all accessible via our learning platform Kiron Campus. To date, Kiron has over 2,300 full students, 41 partner universities, and 5 study tracks. EdX will issue free verified certificates for Kiron students who have successfully completed these courses, and those certificates will translate to college credit with Kiron’s university campus partners.
Kiron Open Higher Education became a member of the global edX community to facilitate the online education initiatives of its partner universities, offering and developing online interactive classes and MOOCs from renowned partner universities such as FH Lübeck. In this way, further content will be available not only for Kiron students but also to the global learners community provided to world-class standards.
Kiron Open Higher Education MOOCs
Browse free online courses in a variety of subjects. Kiron Open Higher Education courses found below can be audited for free, or students can choose to receive a verified certificate for a small fee. Select a course to learn more.