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Generate big ideas and a culture of innovation

The University of Maryland, College Park
University System of Maryland
Professional Certificate inProduct Visioning and Strategy: Preparing for Agile Execution
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What you will learn

  • Engage in long-term thinking to combat the tendency for short-term thinking to undermine innovation and employee engagement within a company.
  • Go far beyond vision statements as you find, generate, and clearly articulate the "big ideas" that inspire collective action within a team or organization.
  • Use of concrete, sensory language and storytelling to avoid vague, "blurry" visions and help them come to life.
  • Connect strategic planning, vision and big ideas to the organization's ESG commitments and sustainability commitments.
  • Explore the connection between vision and agile development, and how to "productize" it for successful execution.
  • Strengthen the foundation for agile execution by focusing on how the four key pillars enable vision and big idea activation within a company or stifle innovation and relevancy.

  • Expert instruction
    2 skill-building courses
  • Self-paced
    Progress at your own speed
  • 2 months
    2 - 3 hours per week
  • Discounted price:$448.20 Original price:$498.00 USD
    For the full program experience

Courses in this program

UMD and USMx's Product Visioning and Strategy: Preparing for Agile Execution Professional Certificate

Meet your instructor
from The University of Maryland, College Park (UMD), University System of Maryland (USMx)

Daniel Forrester
Daniel Forrester


University of Maryland, College Park

Experts from The University of Maryland, College Park (UMD), University System of Maryland (USMx) committed to teaching online learning

Enrolling Now

Discounted price:$448.20 Original price:$498.00 USD

2 courses in 2 months

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