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Drive your career forward

Professional Certificate in
Data Science Ethics

What you will learn

  • Identify and anticipate the types of unintended harm that can arise from AI models.
  • Establish a Responsible Data Science framework for your projects.
  • Evaluate predictor impact in black box models using interpretability methods.
  • Assess the performance of models with metrics to measure bias and unfairness.
  • Conduct an audit of a data science project from an ethical standpoint.
Expert instruction
2 skill-building courses
Progress at your own speed
2 months
4 - 5 hours per week
For the full program experience

Courses in this program

  1. Statistics.comX's Data Science Ethics Professional Certificate

Meet your instructors
from (Statistics.comX)

Kuber Deokar
Janet Dobbins
Peter Bruce
Grant Fleming
Veronica Carlan

Experts from Statistics.comX committed to teaching online learning

Enrolling Now

2 courses in 2 months
Pursue the Program

Also in Ethics at edX


Drive your career forward with university-backed credit programs and verified certificates


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