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Professional Certificate in
Secure Software Development Fundamentals

What you will learn

  • Security basics: Learn about risk management, the “CIA” triad, and requirements.
  • Secure design principles: Discuss principles such as “least privilege” and how to apply these principles.
  • Supply chain evaluation: Learn tips on how to choose packages to reuse, and how to reuse them so that you can rapidly be alerted & update the software.
  • Implementation: Learn how to implement more secure software (how to do input validation, process data securely, call out to other programs, and send output), and more specialized approaches (such as basics of cryptography and handling problems).
  • Security Verification: Learn how to examine software, include some key tool types, how to apply them in continuous integration (CI).
  • Fielding: Learn how to deploy and operate secure software, handle vulnerability reports, and how to rapidly update when reused components have publicly-known vulnerabilities.
  • Learn how to securely use and develop open source software.
Expert instruction
3 skill-building courses
Progress at your own speed
5 months
1 - 2 hours per week
Discounted price: $672.30
Pre-discounted price: $747USD
For the full program experience

Courses in this program

  1. LinuxFoundationX's Secure Software Development Fundamentals Professional Certificate

Meet your instructor
from The Linux Foundation (LinuxFoundationX)

David A. Wheeler
Director of Open Source Supply Chain Security
The Linux Foundation

Experts from LinuxFoundationX committed to teaching online learning

Program endorsements

In today's world where more companies are using more software, becoming software companies themselves and everything is becoming connected, security education is more important than ever. At CNCF, we are excited about this new security professional certificate, and intend to have all of our project leadership pass the courses in the program and recommend you do the same in your communities.

Chris Aniszczyk , CTO, Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Enrolling Now

Discounted price: $672.30
Pre-discounted price: $747USD
3 courses in 5 months
Pursue the Program



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