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Inter-American Development Bank
Professional Certificate inRoad Safety in the Caribbean Region

What you will learn

  • To identify the road safety challenges that the Caribbean faces and understand the importance of designing an action plan based on data and evidence.
  • To understand the difference between sustainable and unsustainable interventions, recognizing those that have been effective in reducing road crashes; and analyze how these could be implemented in your city.
  • To identify good practices and methodologies in the application of road safety audits and inspections. As well as road safety needs of nonmotorized transport users.
  • To compare successful versus unsuccessful practices in the safe integration of non-motorized transportation means.
  • To identify the “vulnerable users” and how can you apply Vision Zero methodologies in the cities.
  • To understand the importance of subnational road safety plans and speed management and recognizing safe infrastructure for active mobility.

  • Expert instruction
    3 skill-building courses
  • Self-paced
    Progress at your own speed
  • 1 month
    2 - 4 hours per week
  • Discounted price:$25.50 Original price:$30.00 USD
    For the full program experience

Courses in this program

IDBx's Road Safety in the Caribbean Region Professional Certificate

Meet your instructors
from Inter-American Development Bank (IDBx)

Marisela Ponce de León
Claudia Franchesca de los Santos
Neil Pederson
Defny Geldorp
Sharon Inglefield
Edoardo Gianotti
Alejandro Furas
Marvin Gonzales
Eugenia Rodrigues
Brent Batson
Corina Puppo
Pablo Martínez Carignano
Edgar Zamora
Mauricio Pineda Rivera
Elías Rubinstein
Rob McInerney
Julio Urzua
Claudia Adriazola-Steil
Leticia Sabino
Luis David Rojas Guerrero
Laura Ballesteros
Natalie Draisin
Shannon Wip
Guirlaine Denis
Marisela Ponce de León
Marisela Ponce de León

Transport Specialist

Global Road Safety Facility World Bank Group

Claudia Franchesca de los Santos
Claudia Franchesca de los Santos

Former Executive Director

National Institute of Traffic and Land Transportation (INTRANT)

Neil Pederson
Neil Pederson

Executive Director

Transportation Research Board of the National Academies

Defny Geldorp
Defny Geldorp

Head of the section Traffic and Transport

General Bureau of Statistics (GBS) of Suriname

Sharon Inglefield
Sharon Inglefield


Arrive Alive

Edoardo Gianotti
Edoardo Gianotti


Working Group on Passive Safety

Alejandro Furas
Alejandro Furas

Secretary General

New Car Assessment Program for Latin America and the Caribbean (LatinNCAP)

Marvin Gonzales
Marvin Gonzales

Minister of Public Utilities

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Eugenia Rodrigues
Eugenia Rodrigues

Regional Road Safety Advisor

Pan-American Health Organization

Brent Batson
Brent Batson

Lead Coordinator and Consultant

Trinidad & Tobago Police Service Strategic Road Safety Project

Corina Puppo
Corina Puppo

National Director

Road Observatory of the Argentinian National Road Safety Agency

Pablo Martínez Carignano
Pablo Martínez Carignano

Executive Director at Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Vial in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Vial - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Edgar Zamora
Edgar Zamora

Transport Infrastructure Planning and Development and Road Safety Specialist

Mauricio Pineda Rivera
Mauricio Pineda Rivera

Road Safety Audits and Inspections Specialist

Elías Rubinstein
Elías Rubinstein

Infrastructure Specialist


Rob McInerney
Rob McInerney

Chief Executive Officer

International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP)

Julio Urzua
Julio Urzua

Director Americas and the Caribbean

International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP)

Claudia Adriazola-Steil
Claudia Adriazola-Steil

Deputy Director, Urban Mobility And Director

Health & Road Safety, WRI Ross Center For Sustainable Cities

Leticia Sabino
Leticia Sabino

Founding director of the Instituto Caminabilidad

Instituto Caminabilidad

Luis David Rojas Guerrero
Luis David Rojas Guerrero

Advertising creative director, brand strategist and university professor

ITESO University Business School

Laura Ballesteros
Laura Ballesteros

Former Undersecretary of Mobility

Mexico City

Natalie Draisin
Natalie Draisin


North American Office

Shannon Wip
Shannon Wip

Administrative consultant

Country Office of the Inter-American Development Bank in Suriname

Guirlaine Denis
Guirlaine Denis

Administrative Coordinator

Inter-American Development Bank

Experts from Inter-American Development Bank (IDBx) committed to teaching online learning

Enrolling Now

Discounted price:$25.50 Original price:$30.00 USD

3 courses in 1 month

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