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​ Explore the fundamentals of linear algebra

The Georgia Institute of Technology
Professional Certificate inIntroductory Linear Algebra

What you will learn

  • Evaluate mathematical expressions to compute quantities that deal with linear systems.
  • Construct an LU factorization of a matrix and use it to solve linear systems of equations.
  • Apply matrix algebra and linear transformations to solve and analyze problems in computer graphics and economics.
  • Apply subspaces and invertibility to characterize and analyze matrices and solution sets of linear systems.

  • Expert instruction
    2 skill-building courses
  • Self-paced
    Progress at your own speed
  • 2 months
    5 - 6 hours per week
  • $498.00 USD
    For the full program experience

Courses in this program

GTx's Introductory Linear Algebra Professional Certificate

Meet your instructor
from The Georgia Institute of Technology (GTx)

Greg Mayer
Greg Mayer

Academic Professional in the School of Mathematics

Georgia Tech (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Experts from The Georgia Institute of Technology (GTx) committed to teaching online learning

Enrolling Now

$498.00 USD

2 courses in 2 months

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