Find MSW programs that teach systems theory
Applying systems theory in social work can help you understand how your clients connect to family, work, and society. Learn how to use systems theory in social work.
See all MSW programsWhy earn an MSW degree that teaches systems theory?
Expand your career horizons
Broaden your career opportunities in clinical social work, public policy and programming, and community management.
Enjoy flexibility to study on your own schedule
Gain hands-on experience through an immersive practicum while completing core coursework online.
Set yourself up to meet licensure requirements
Meet the requirements for licensure in your state through a master's program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
Systems theory in social work can help you better understand and serve your clientele. Find out what you'll learn in a master's in social work (MSW) program that teaches systems theory and discover how it can benefit your career.
Browse MSW programs that teach systems theory
What is systems theory in social work?
Systems theory describes how independent parts interact and affect each other within a system over time.
An online MSW program that teaches systems theory trains students to understand their clients' social and psychological issues in the context of larger familial, societal, and communal "systems," or networks. Systems may include things like family, school, work, and religious groups.
Graduates of an online MSW program with coursework in systems theory are uniquely qualified to assess a client's needs holistically, as they make it their goal to understand each patient's individual issues and networks.
Ideal candidates for systems-theory-based social work are "big-picture" thinkers, open-minded, and compassionate, with excellent active listening and communication skills.
What to expect from an online MSW program that teaches systems theory
Online MSW programs that teach systems theory combine field experience with coursework in subjects like holistic evaluation, intervention planning, and collaborative social work practice.
While requirements vary by state, MSW programs must be accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) to prepare students for licensure. Graduates of a master's in social work are eligible for the widest variety of job prospects.
Applicants to an MSW program that teaches systems theory should hold a bachelor's degree, though your school may not require an undergraduate major in social work.
MSW programs commonly include core curriculum in systems theory, while only some offer systems theory as an official concentration. Most MSW programs require two years of full-time study; however, online programs can offer unique features, including accelerated enrollment and flexible local practicum options.
What can you do with an online MSW degree that teaches systems theory?
MSW programs typically include a supervised experience, designed to meet licensure requirements for clinical social workers. Earning an online MSW degree with an emphasis in systems theory makes you eligible for clinical social work in community or public health settings, social work research, or mental health advocacy.
Licensed clinical social workers trained in systems theory can optimize the services and programs that are available to their clients. Earning an MSW degree that teaches systems theory can enable clinical social workers to better understand their clients' issues and needs.
Graduates of an MSW program that teaches systems theory can also become community organizers, case managers, or policy advocates.
How much can you make with an MSW degree that teaches systems theory?
Graduates of an MSW program that teaches systems theory are eligible for jobs with strong earning potential. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), social workers earn a median annual salary of $58,380 for social workers as of May 2023, with healthcare and local government social work settings yielding among the highest salaries.
MSW program graduates can also pursue other professions, such as social and community service manager, which earned a median annual salary of $77,030 in 2023, or postsecondary social work teacher, which earned a median annual salary of $84,380 during the same time period, according to the BLS.
Explore online MSW programs by specialization
Are you ready to explore your options for earning an MSW degree in the specialization of your choice? Then check out edX's array of different master's in social work program specializations and get started today.
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