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Online MBA in consulting

Consulting MBA programs teach business, finance, and consulting skills. Discover top programs, benefits, and relevant career paths.

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Why earn an online MBA in consulting degree?

Gain specialized knowledge

Learn essential problem-solving skills, management techniques, and analysis methods.

Study on a flexible schedule

Online attendees can complete courses asynchronously, allowing them to work and study simultaneously.

Build up a considerable network

Network with prospective employers, clients, and coworkers through networking events and consulting projects.

Consulting master's in business administration (MBA) programs teach students skills to identify, analyze, and solve corporate issues. Discover top programs, benefits, and admissions requirements for MBA in consulting programs.

See all MBA programs with a consulting focus

An immersive cohort-based learning experience that is designed to optimize learning outcomes and ensure global networking opportunities.
Choose your path with a range of completion options and class times.
Equivalent to on-campus
Earn the same degree and complete the same curriculum as on-campus students.

Consulting MBA programs overview

Online MBA in consulting programs combine general MBA ideas with specialized consulting skills. Enrollees study business principles, leadership methods, and analysis techniques. Professors teach soft and hard consulting skills through courses, exercises, and case studies.

Consulting MBA programs can focus on general consulting projects and specialized projects in IT, finance, or operations. Individuals who wish to pursue a consulting career may be well-suited to an MBA in consulting.

What jobs can you get with an MBA in consulting degree?

Here are a handful of career paths that professionals with MBA in consulting degrees can pursue, with salary and job outlook data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS):

MBA in consulting curriculum

MBA curricula may include core, elective, concentration, and capstone courses. Consulting concentration courses may focus on problem-solving, corporate strategies, and essential management consulting skills.

Some of the potential courses may include:

  • Management consulting
  • Negotiations
  • Business process and workflow analysis
  • Entrepreneurial management
  • Corporate strategy
  • Data analytics
  • Global business strategy

Students may gain hands-on consulting experience through a domestic or international capstone project. These projects typically connect an attendee and company to work and solve a real-life issue.

Admissions requirements for consulting MBA programs

While MBA in consulting programs may have various application requirements depending on the college, some common application procedures and prerequisites include:

  • Online application
    • With a non-refundable application fee
  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited school
    • Most any major will do
  • Official transcripts
  • GMAT or GRE test scores
    • Programs may offer test waivers
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Résumé
  • Essay
    • Prompts may include your career goals or previous personal experiences
  • Interview
    • Select programs may ask candidates for a virtual or in-person interview
  • Work experience
    • MBA programs may not require work experience, but it can help a candidate's application

Frequently asked questions