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UPValenciaX: Teamwork in face-to-face, remote and hybrid environments

Learn how to work better in both face to face and remote teams.

Teamwork in face-to-face, remote and hybrid environments
8 weeks
2–3 hours per week
Progress at your own speed
Optional upgrade available

There is one session available:

After a course session ends, it will be archivedOpens in a new tab.
Starts Sep 18
Ends Dec 9

About this course

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This course provides skills to work in a team in a remote environment. This is already commonplace in all institutions and organizations, and will become more and more so.

In remote work environments, teamwork is more complex to perform. On the one hand, there is no established experience in the selection and activation of behaviors adapted to the remote environment, and on the other hand, it is not common to find specific courses where these new behaviors are reinforced. We must bear in mind that it is necessary to activate personal resources that are different from those activated in face-to-face environments.

Therefore, we want to help prepare people who participate in work teams to adapt to these more digital work contexts.

We will build learning through digital resources, examples of experiences, self-diagnoses of the people enrolled and feedback from peers to complete a 360º information that allows us to draw an action plan to manage the acquired competence.

At a glance

  • Language: English
  • Video Transcript: English

What you'll learn

Skip What you'll learn
  • Create and structure digital teams
  • Actively cooperate with others in remote spaces
  • Structure and classify the information generated by the team in order to retrieve and manage it efficiently
  • Propose new ideas, processes or create solutions to solve team problems through digital technologies
  • Use the collaboration features of software packages, web-based services and social networks to collaborate in teams

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