Learn about surgery with online courses and programs
Surgeons are critical to the healthcare industry, performing lifesaving procedures, aiding in disease management, and applying specialized techniques in medical settings. Learn about surgery and surgical methods with courses on edX.

What is surgery?
Surgical procedures allow medical professionals to diagnose, treat, and manage illnesses and injuries. Thanks to modern research and a growing use of technology, techniques in surgery have advanced to involve both human skill and specialized machinery.
The procedures performed by surgeons can vary widely, and may involve removing diseased or damaged tissue, repairing or reconstructing organs or structures, transplanting organs, or performing diagnostic tests for further analysis. Surgeries may be open or minimally invasive, the latter of which may require robotic assistance or technical instruments.
While surgery can be lifesaving, it also carries risks and potential complications. In order to ensure the best possible outcomes, surgeons collaborate with other healthcare professionals to devise a comprehensive patient plan.
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Surgery course curriculum
Learning about surgery can enhance your understanding of the healthcare industry and help you to prepare for career advancement within the medical field. Becoming a surgeon requires highly specialized skills and knowledge. edX makes it easy to build a strong foundation with online courses that can cover topics such as:
General surgical conditions in different subspecialties
The anatomy and clinical presentation of medical conditions
Different types of diagnostic testing, imaging techniques, treatment planning, and disease management
Stages of the surgeon career path, from intern to trainee, specialist, senior expert, and academic professor
Modern advances and new technologies in surgery
Throughout your learning, you may also have opportunities to practice important soft skills, such as innovation, problem-solving, and calculated decision making in patient care.
edX offers online courses that allow learners to study a variety of topics including surgery, healthcare, and much more. Sign up for an accelerated boot camp or enroll in a full degree program and start working toward a bachelor's degree or (for more advanced learners) a master’s degree in a relevant subject. You can also explore executive education programs specifically designed for busy professionals.
Explore jobs related to surgery
Knowledge of surgery can benefit a range of professions within the healthcare field, both in general terms and specialized roles. Here are some examples:
Physician: Diagnoses conditions that may require surgical intervention and devises pre- and post-operational care plans.1
Anesthesiologist: Administers anesthesia and monitors patients’ vital signs during surgical procedures.2
Nurse: Assists in various stages of surgical procedures, including pre-operative care, in the operating room, and aftercare.3
Surgeon: Performs elective and/or emergency procedures, often specializing in a particular area of surgery.4
Radiologist: Interprets imaging results and identifies surgical complications or post-operative changes.5
While many of these roles exist within similar industries, employment qualifications for careers that may utilize surgical knowledge differ based on the position and employer. Some roles may require a higher level degree while others may only ask for a demonstration of skills that can be acquired in a boot camp, for example. Before deciding on which learning path will work best for you, research potential roles you hope to pursue and align your coursework with your professional aspirations.
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What Physicians and Surgeons Do. (2022). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook. Retrieved July 14, 2023.
Role of Anesthesiologist. American Society of Anesthesiologists. Retrieved July 14, 2023.
What Registered Nurses Do. (2022). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook. Retrieved July 14, 2023.
What Physicians and Surgeons Do. (2022). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook. Retrieved July 14, 2023.
Radiologist Job Description: Top Duties and Qualifications. (2023). Indeed. Retrieved July 14, 2023.