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The course will provide teachers with an understanding of how to incorporate outdoor education topics into their existing STEM curriculum. The focus of this course is to provide resources and skills for incorporating outdoor education into your curriculum for students to make the connection between their community and their learning. The course will feature engaging activities on a limited budget, so as to be accessible for every classroom. Each activity uses an inquiry lens to allow students to focus on aspects of their community that are important to them and to build student agency and ownership around these topics.
Module 1: Introduction to Art in Engineering
Learn about why Outdoor Education is important and how to relate it to your other STEM topics.
Module 2: Bringing the Outside Inside
This module explains how to learn about Outdoor Education and STEM from inside instead of worrying about field trips and the management aspect of being in the community. It goes through various different activities for how you can bring outdoor education inside the classroom.
Module 3: Place Based and Land Based Learning
Learn the difference between these topics and where to find resources to teach about the First People’s Principles knowledge of the land you are on.
What technology/equipment do I need to take this course?
Do I get anything upon completion?
Can I take these courses if I don't teach in BC?
Do I need any materials to complete this course?