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Learn to use social media platforms and social networks to build and advance your professional online presence and career goals.
Develop strategies to connect with your target audience while posting content that increases your industry knowledge and network.
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Utilizing social media accounts to develop an online presence is an essential tool to connect with other professionals and build a knowledge base that advances your career and ability to communicate in the virtual age.
Workplaces now include virtual modes of communication and social networks as a standard in conducting business. Additionally, hiring managers often look to social media profiles, like Linkedin for recruitment. Social media sites can provide the breakthrough opportunity for entry level workers, career/industry changers, and small businesses owners. This creates a need for individuals to have an online presence via their social media accounts.
This course will show learners how to use social media platforms to build and advance their professional network.
Specific strategies will be demonstrated to create effective social media profiles while also posting content that generates organic connections. Learn to network with professionals in your area of interest and build your online presence within groups and teams.