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Learn Scratch programming with online courses and programs

Scratch is a beginner- and kid-friendly programming language that uses a block-based interface to create stories, animations, and games. Learn Scratch to start your coding journey, build your own projects, and join a large community of young developers.

What is Scratch programming?

Scratch is a visual-based programming language that offers a block-like interface designed to be a fun, accessible way for people to learn basic coding. It was created by Mitch Resnick, LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research at the MIT Media Lab.

Scratch’s drag-and-drop programming style can provide children and new developers with a low-pressure environment to start building programs. By creating projects with Scratch, users can strengthen computational thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, as well as foster self-expression and collaboration.1

If you’re interested in coding, but aren’t sure where to start, Scratch is a great first step that can help you decide if web development is for you. Explore Scratch programming with online courses on edX.

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Scratch programming course curriculum

Whether you’re a young learner just starting to learn coding, or the parent or educator of a child interested in programming, learning Scratch can be a helpful starting point. Online courses can introduce important technical skills that build a foundation for more advanced development.

Topics might include:

  • Functions, which are instructions that perform tasks

  • Return values, which are results that functions provide

  • Conditions, via which programs can decide whether or not to perform an action

  • Loops, via which programs can repeat an action

  • Variables, via which programs can remember information

edX offers online courses that allow learners to study a variety of topics, including computer science, web development, and much more. ‌Sign up for an accelerated boot camp or enroll in a full degree program and start working toward a bachelor's degree or (for more advanced learners) a master’s degree in a relevant subject. You can also explore executive education programs specifically designed for busy professionals.

Explore Scratch programming jobs

While Scratch programming is primarily oriented toward children, it can also serve as a beginner-friendly language for aspiring web developers. Knowledge of Scratch programming can supplement the skills needed for programming, as well as a variety of other careers, including:

  • Elementary school educator: Can use Scratch as a tool when teaching programming and computational thinking to students.2

  • Game developer: Can use Scratch to learn about game design and logic, and build a foundation for learning more complex programming languages.3

  • Animator: Can use Scratch to create interactive art projects and animations, combining their creative skills with basic programming.4

  • Child psychologist: Can use Scratch as a therapeutic tool to help children improve their social and problem-solving skills.5

  • Academic researcher: Can use Scratch as a tool for conducting experiments or gathering data on how children learn programming.6

Each of these roles will have different education and skills requirements. For example, you may be able to build relevant skills in a coding boot camp. However, some employers may seek candidates with a degree in education, depending on the role. Before deciding on a specific learning path, research the positions you hope to pursue and align your coursework with your career goals.

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  1. About Scratch. (2023). Scratch. Retrieved September 5, 2023.

  2. What Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers Do. (2023). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved September 5, 2023.

  3. Top Game Developer Skills: Definition and Examples. (2023). Indeed. Retrieved September 5, 2023.

  4. Animator Job Description: Top Duties and Qualifications. (2023). Indeed. Retrieved September 5, 2023.

  5. Child Psychologist Job Description: Top Duties and Qualifications. (2023). Indeed. Retrieved September 5, 2023.

  6. How To Become an Academic Researcher in 4 Steps. (2022). Indeed. Retrieved September 5, 2023.