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In this course, we will learn about the risks faced by Banks and the methodologies adopted by Banks for identification, measurement, monitoring and mitigation of risk.
The learners will gain insights on the essential elements of the Framework adopted by Banks for Risk Management.
The course covers major domains of Credit, Market & Operational Risk and concludes with understanding Risk Management at Enterprise Level.
The course covers the Global Best Practices that have evolved from past experiences.
The course will be of value for learners who want to understand how risk is managed in Banks.
1. Relationship between Risk and Capital.
2. Role of Basel in Bank Risk Management & ongoing enhancements brought about in Basel III.
3. The types of risk faced by banks and the processes followed by banks for managing them.
4. The Primary risks faced by Banks (Credit, Market & Operational).
5. Risk Management at Enterprise level.
The course is structured in eight modules, with each module catering to a separate risk domain.
About the course
Brief Objectives
Module I Risk & Capital:
What is risk?
Risk & uncertainty
Risk reward ratio
Relationship between risk & capital
Expected and unexpected loss
Types of capital
Module II Basel & BCBS:
BCBS origin and role
Basel Accords
Basel III enhancements:
Leverage Ratio, LCR, NSFR, CCB, SIBs
Module III Risk Management:
Types of Risk
Risk Management process in Banks
Risk Management framework
Risk Appetite setting
Three lines of defence
Module IV Credit Risk Management:
Risk Drivers
Assessment and mitigation
Capital charge
Module V Market Risk Management:
Risk Drivers
Assessment and mitigation
Capital charge
Module VI Operational Risk Management:
Risk Drivers
Assessment and mitigation
Capital charge
Module VII Enterprise Risk Management:
Supervisory Review Process & ICAAP
Module VIII Final Evaluation