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Dealing with relatively intangible entities such as financial services is a challenge as consumers find financial services hard to evaluate.Understanding consumer psychology is relevant to strengthen customer relationship.
Understanding the principles of marketing psychology helps in effectively crafting financial marketing campaigns that resonate with the target audience for enhanced brand connect, consumer awareness and financial purchase decision.
The course is beneficial for individuals for effectively understanding consumer psychology to acquire, engage and retain consumers. No Prerequisites Required.
Week 1: Introduction to Marketing Psychology
Introductory concepts. Incorporating psychological principles with marketing strategy. Leveraging psychology in marketing strategy.
Week 2:Consumer Behaviour & Decision Makingin Financial Services
The role of human psychology in comprehending consumer behavior and decision making. Factors shaping consumer behaviour in Financial Services. Responding and shaping consumer behaviour.
Week 3: The Psychology of Nudge & Influence
Understand the nudge concept to influence people's behaviour in a positive way. Proposing positive reinforcement and indirect suggestions as ways to influence the behaviour and decision-making of groups or individuals.
Week 4:Leveraging Behavioral Insights for Digital Banking
Using different forms of consumer psychology such as persuasion architecture and emotion driven behaviour in the digital banking eco-system.