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Life is full of distractions and complexities. An indifferent attitude towards these complexities may lead to frustration and inefficiency. Nevertheless, some people succeed in life despite the complexities while some other fail. Some become winners while some make their own life miserable. Effectiveness or ineffectiveness depends on the individual and how he manages his life and focuses on the productive aspects of life. By decluttering life, people can help themselves in life and become more productive.
People face numerous challenges throughout life. These challenges are often the result of ineffective handling of the challenges or a lack of corrective action at appropriate times. Poor planning, taking on too many commitments, a lack of delegation, and submissive behaviour are all self-created barriers that hold you back. Other contributing factors include continuing with unnecessary activities, not saying no when necessary and having bad habits. An individual's performance can be impacted by all these clutters. These distractions take up your time and energy. That leads to an unfocused and imbalanced approach towards life and work.
One can achieve success through personal effort. A person acquires skills, develop habits and qualities to be more productive. However, there may be another approach as well. Eliminating something by way of decluttering will also be helpful in improving your efficiency and effectiveness. When you have fewer things to focus on, your concentration will be better, which will make you more productive. By decluttering your life, you will have the time and energy needed to accomplish your goals.
The course is about managing the affairs of one's life in such a way that it accommodates the ever-changing needs of the organisation without jeopardising one's personal life. A person can appreciate the value of decluttering their lives and can make substantial positive changes.
4-5 years of work experience.
The programme learning and take away include the following:
1. Understanding life essentials
2. Impact of clutter
3. Benefits of decluttering life
4. Approach to declutter professional life
5. Simple keys (ABCD) of decluttering life (Arrange, Begin, Continue, Drop)
Week 1
Module 1: Life Essentials
Week 2
Module 2: Impact of Clutter
Module 3: Blessings of a Decluttered Life
Week 3
Module 4: Decluttering in Professional Life
Week 4
Module 5: ABCD of Decluttering